Using my Eco Prints and Encaustic Wax to Make a Chinese Thread Book
Turning a linear repeating stencil into a square motif

My New Trivet Stencils for StencilGirl

Trivet Stencils by Jill McDowell for StencilGirl

I’m so excited to announce that StencilGirl is launching seven new stencils today that were designed by me!  The series is called Trivets and is made up of three mini 4x4 stencils, three small 6x6 stencils, and one large 9x12 stencil.  All were inspired by my love for Japanese Woodblock prints from the late 18th century. 
What I love about this series is that all of the stencils are designed to reveal hidden patterns when they are repeated next to each other.  I created a short video to show you what I mean.  It includes a quick demo on how to lay out your page so that your spacing is spot on every time.

I’ve been making some exciting projects with these designs.  This is a soft journal entitled Kabuki Haiku that I made using the trivets as background wallpaper.

in addition, I’ve made some actual trivets with my stencil designs using white glazed tiles from the big box home improvement stores that I’ve coated with resin.


You can find all of my designs at StencilGirl.


Until next time, Jill


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